Case Study Section - Kearney
Chemicals in India: The Right Chemistry for Growth

The Client
Kearney is one of the leading management consulting firms in the world.They have been a trusted advisor to the world’s leading organizations, including three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500, as well as with the most influential governmental and non-profit organizations.
For over a century, we’ve helped organizations strengthen and accelerate their performance. Our deep industry experience, global capabilities and entrepreneurial mindset help us see around corners when our clients need us most

The Brief
Kearney collaborated with Invest India and collated an extensive report on the Indian chemicals industry. This report highlights the opportunities, advantages and problems of investing in this industry and profiles the key economic, demographic, and regulatory factors affecting the chemicals industry in India. It provides an overview of the Indian chemical sector and analyses major market sectors: petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals, and specialty chemicals.
This report was shared with us to be designed as a printable report using the data in Microsoft Word. Mr. Viswanathan Rajendran from Kearney and his team gave their input for the report. We had to design the report in an infographic format, making sure that our data must look prominent and that the rest of the report was followed according to their branding.

The Process
The layout of the report was decided after reviewing the Word document. Some of the data was presented in tables and charts, which were converted from jpeg images to editable raw files. We then designed the infographics aligned with the rest of the layout and data. The icons were made in vector format and all tables, charts, graphs were made editable so that any number could be changed in the future.
After the report was completed, we reviewed it in pre-flight mode within Adobe InDesign to identify any printing errors and then fixed them.
To ensure that the file could be printed, we kept its page count to 52 (divisible by 4), which is the standard printing format for the companies. In the end PDF was exported with bleed area and trim marks

The Challenge
To achieve perfection, we had to overcome a few challenges while working on this report. First of all, because two parties were involved in the feedback process, file revisions had to be reviewed by Kearney and then by Invest India. Since both parties had different ideas of how the graphs and data should be presented, it was challenging to manage the changes from each party simultaneously. It took a lot of time to design all the charts and graphs in their branding and make small changes in the Illustrator file. We had to re-link the files back to our InDesign document once again post making the changes.
The feedback was often shared after the entire design was complete, so to make any changes or additions like addition of a graph or deletion of a paragraph we had to shuffle all the pages and amend the layout again to fix the alignments.
In addition, we had to work closely with the printer to make sure that everything came out perfectly and the margins/ bleed areas were followed properly.

The Result
The entire report was professionally designed, and it received appreciation from the client and other stakeholders. The report, along with a case study, was posted on the company’s website, and it garnered excellent feedback from the general public.
The final file was delivered in InDesign format, including all the raw files for the vectors, graphs, images and tables, with the front and back cover printed on 300 gsm paper and the inner pages printed on 180 gsm paper.

I have now had the opportunity to work with WorkLooper over a 4 year period – on a number of big as well as small efforts. In every instance, I have been impressed by WorkLooper’s high level of responsiveness, exceptional quality, providing multiple innovative design options for each deliverable, immediate turnarounds, willingness to stretch over weekends/late nights, and always adhering to timelines. The fact that WorkLooper internalized all of our internal brand guidelines, and adhered to our brand norms – and the fact that they took ownership all the way to the printing stage, and helped us get good print quality – are all a great indicator of they are professionalism. I have enjoyed working with WorkLooper over the years, and look forward to working together in the future again. Keep up the great work!